18 years has passed since the adoption of Kyoto Protocol at the Conference of Parties 3 (COP3). In COP 21 to be convened from 30th of November in 2015, it is aimed to agree on the new framework after 2020. However, during this period, the threat of Climate Change has become real in our lives, and unusual high temperature, drought, excessive precipitation, catastrophic flood, violent typhoon, wildfire amongst others have occurred frequently. The adverse effects on humans, biodiversity, food production as well as water resources amongst others have been going from bad to worse.
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report clearly says that “there are various paths to reduce the emissions” in order to maintain the world’s temperature increase below 2℃ (or 1.5℃, according to other opinions) compared with the industrial revolution level as well as that it is “a lack of wills to constrain them.” Hereby, it requests each government in the world to make further sincere efforts.
「パリ合意」にむけて、各国・地域が2025年/2030年の新たな温室効果ガスの削減目標案を国連に提出しています。例えばEUのようにIPCCの科学的知見に則り「2030年までに、1990年比で少なくとも40%削減」という高い目標を掲げた国・地域がある一方で、我が国の「2030年度に2013年度比26 %削減」という目標は消極的に過ぎ、国際社会を失望させました。しかも、90年比では18%削減に過ぎないこの目標を達成するため、電源の2割を原発に依存するという非現実的なエネルギーミックスを前提としており、原発に依存しない社会づくりを望む多くの地域社会、国民の意思とは乖離しており、あたかも気候変動防止には原発が必要だという間違った考えを国民に抱かせる恐れがあります。
Toward “Paris agreement”, the new proposals to reduce Green House Gases of 2025/2030 made by governments and regions have been submitted to the United Nations. On one hand, for example, like European Union (EU), there are countries and regions that have set their target as high as “at least 40% reduction compared with 1990 level” based on the scientific knowledge of IPCC, but on the other hand, our country’s too negative target of “26% reduction by 2030 compared with FY 2013 level” disappointed the international community. What is more, in order to achieve this target of only 18% reduction compared with 1990 level, Japan is based on the premise of the unrealistic energy mix dependent on nuclear power as electric power source for 20%. This shows that there is a large gap between the policy direction and local communities’ and citizens’ wills which seek to build a society not dependent on nuclear power generation. This may cause a fear that national citizens may have a wrong understanding that nuclear power generation is necessary in order to prevent climate change.
It is necessary that international community, national governments in the world, local governments, companies as well as people set a high target to reduce Green House Gases for tackling with climate change issues systematically and earnestly, otherwise, further excessive disasters would occur frequently, which might lead to their becoming the sources of wars and conflicts. Of course, this will bring about a large scale of adverse effects on the economies. All of these might endanger the future prosperity of human beings.
For our human society, there is no time left to postpone the solutions of such problems. If postponed, it will mean the abdication of responsibility for future generations and all the lives on the Earth.
Each of local governments, environmental NGOs, experts that are participating in this network have positively taken initiatives so far, and enjoyed friendly competitions such as “Eco-Capitol Contest in Japan ” amongst others, as well as learned and improved a lot. And with this, we have collaborated to tackle with climate change. As a goal to build a sustainable and affluent society from the local level, we will cooperate in policy development and activity more positively, and propose toward all the governments and organizations, as well as Japanese government and Japanese society, which are participating in the Conference of Parties on the occasion of COP 21.
Our initiatives and For Japanese local communities, NGOs as well as Experts:
1 地域社会が率先的に気候変動防止政策・活動を展開しリードすること
1.The local communities will take the leadership in the developments of climate change prevention policies and activities.
a 自治体、NGO、専門家は、住民や地域の事業者とも協働して、地域主体の再生可能エネルギー、省エネルギー活動を推進するとともに、気候変動を防ぐ、そして「環境」「経済」「社会」の3要素が揃った持続可能で豊かな地域社会づくり、人づくりに力を注ぎます。
a.Local governments, NGOs, experts will collaborate also with local citizens and private entities to promote renewable energy initiated by local actors as well as energy conservation activities, at the same time, to make all the efforts to develop a sustainable, affluent, local community as well as human resources with three integral elements of “Environment,” “Economy” and “Society” to prevent climate change.
b 自治体とNGO、専門家は、地域の特性を活かした政策と活動を展開するとともに、互いに協力し、切磋琢磨する自立したネットワーク活動を推進します。
b. Local governments, NGOs, experts will develop the policies and activities making the most of the local attributions and promote the independent network activities that each will cooperate and compete to learn from each other.
c 自治体は、地域における気候変動防止を計画的に進めるため、行政区域全体における地球温暖化防止実行計画やエネルギービジョンの策定に取り組みます。
c. Local governments will work on the formation of global warming preventive action plans and energy visions in their administrative districts as a whole in order to carry out, in a planned manner, climate change prevention at the local level.
d 自治体は、住民間交流を進め、互いの地域の特性を活かした活動や自治体の政策に対し、相互に協力し、持続可能性を高める取り組みを推進します。
d. Local governments promote exchange communication among their local citizens, and cooperate mutually on the activities as well as local governmental policies, which are designed to make the most of the local attributions. With this, they will promote the efforts to enhance the sustainability.
e NGOは、創意工夫を凝らし地域社会における気候変動防止活動に自治体、専門家と連携して取組むとともに、そのネットワークを活かし世界及び日本各地の活動や政策の交流を進めます。併せて、気候変動問題に関する国際交渉、科学的知見、世界で起こっている異常気象とその影響について、分かりやすく多くの地域と人々に伝えます。
e. NGOs will collaborate, with local governments and experts, to play an active role in climate change prevention activities at local community level with originality and ingenuity, at the same time, to promote exchanges of activities and policies both in the world and within Japan by making the most of their networks. Together with this, NGOs will communicate with local citizens as many as possible, in understandable and concise ways, on international negotiation, scientific knowledge on climate change as well as abnormal weather and its impacts that are occurring in the world.
For Japanese Government:
2 日本政府は自治体、NGOと協働して、気候変動問題にもっと真摯に取り組むこと
2. Japanese government should make sincere efforts on climate change in collaboration with NGOs.
a 日本政府が国連に提出した「2030年度に2013年度比26%削減」という目標値は、科学的知見及び公平性からみて極めて不十分であると指摘が国内外からなされている。政府は、2050年に90年比80%削減という長期目標を実現するために、さらなる削減が可能となるように総合的な政策を自治体、NGOと協働で展開すること。
a. It is pointed out both domestically and internationally that the target of 26% reduction by FY 2030 compared with 2013 level, which Japanese government submitted to United Nations, is extremely insufficient in terms of scientific knowledge and fairness. Government should develop its comprehensive policy that enables further reduction in order to realize the long-term target of 80% reduction by 2050 compered with 1990 level, in collaboration with local governments and NGOs.
b 日本政府は、化石燃料に依存しない社会、脱原発社会、そして低エネルギー消費社会を実現するために、自治体、NGO、社会的責任を明確にした事業者との協働で、次のような抜本的な政策転換を行うこと。
b. In order to realize a society not dependent on fossil fuels, a non-nuclear power society, and low-energy consumption society, in collaboration with local governments, NGOs, and private entities clarifying their social responsibilities, Japanese government should make a fundamental change in policy as:
1) Japanese government should set the ambitious targets by introducing energy conservation and/or renewable energy for each area as well as support technologically and financially in order to introduce the mechanisms that enable local production and consumption of energy in such areas, including appropriate policies to attract investments. For this, Japanese government should clarify the legal position of “The Right to Local Environment” which entitles local communities to have priority use of local resources as residents’ right.
2) 国内の工場、オフィス、自治体の庁舎・施設等において省エネルギーを進めるため、最高効率の機器・設備の導入を可能とする法制度、補助金制度等を整備すること
2) In order to promote energy conservation in domestic factories, offices, facilities for local governments, Japanese government should develop necessary legal systems and subsidy systems amongst others, that enable to introduce the most efficient devices and facilities.
3) For the projects utilizing renewable energy, which are initiated by local communities approved by local governments, in order to enhance the sustainability including local communities, Japanese government should develop the legal system that enables to return the profits that such projects should receive to local communities.
4) 来年度からの電力やガス及び熱供給の全面自由化を受け、自治体、住民、事業者が持続可能なエネルギーを選択する権利を適切に行使できるように、社会的な仕組みづくりと情報開示を進めること。
4)Responding to the total liberalization of the provision of electricity, gas as well as heat from the coming year of FY 2016, Japanese government should carry out social mechanism building and information disclosure, so that local governments, citizens, and private entities can exercise their rights to choose sustainable energies appropriately.
c 日本政府は、地域社会において気候変動防止政策、活動が自主的に推進できるように、制度、財政面において必要かつ積極的なサポートを実施すること。
c Japanese government should make her necessary and positive supports institutionally and financially, in order to promote climate change prevention policies and activities in local communities voluntarily.
For all governments and organizations participating in COP21:
3 気温上昇を2℃未満に抑える枠組みと責任を明確にした「パリ合意」を
3. “Paris Agreement” which clarified the framework and the responsibility to maintain the temperature rise below 2℃ is essential.
a 世界各国・地域が提出した約束草案の削減目標を全て達成しても、今世紀末までに産業革命以降の世界の気温上昇を2℃未満に抑えることは不可能であるという分析が、国際的な研究機関から出されている。世界の全ての政府・地域は、自国の短期的な利益に固執することなく、気温上昇を2℃未満に抑えるための道筋を明確につける「パリ合意」を成し遂げ、人類と地球の未来に責任を果たすこと。
a.International research institutions reported on their analysis that even though all the states and regions of the world achieved the total reduction targets shown in the draft commitment, it is still impossible to maintain the temperature rise below 2℃ by the end of this century, compare with the level of industrial revolution. All the governments and regions of the world should not persist to their short-term interests, and should achieve to reach the “Paris Agreement” which illuminate the path to maintain the temperature rise below 2℃. All the governments and regions of the world should fulfill their responsibilities for the future of human beings and the Earth.
b 「パリ合意」には、将来世界各国がその努力水準を引き上げていくための仕組みとして、5 年毎の評価・検証サイクルの設置を含むこと。
b. “Paris Agreement,” as the mechanism for each country of the world to raise the standards of the efforts in the future, should include the establishment of an assessment and verification cycle for every 5 years.
c COP21等の世界規模の議論と合意形成が必要とされる会議においても、政府のみならず、世界全ての自治体、NGOが、これまで以上に議論や合意形成に参画できる仕組みと機会を実現すること。
c. The mechanisms and the opportunities which enable, more than ever before, not only governments but also all the local governments and NGOs in the world to participate in discussions and consensus-buildings in such conferences as to require world-scale discussions and consensus-buildings, like COP 21 amongst others, should be realized.
2015年10月26日 鳥取県北栄町にて送信
On 26th of October, 2015, in Hokuei-cho, Tottori Prefecture
Japan Network for Creating the Capital of Sustainability
安城市 市長 神谷 学
飯田市 市長 牧野 光朗
斑鳩町 町長 小城 利重
生駒市 市長 小紫 雅史
内子町 町長 稲本 隆壽
宇部市 市長 久保田 后子
掛川市 市長 松井 三郎
京丹後市 市長 中山 泰
設楽町 町長 横山 光明
新城市 市長 穂積 亮次
宝塚市 市長 中川 智子
多治見市 市長 古川 雅典
奈良市 市長 仲川 げん
ニセコ町 町長 片山 健也
北栄町 町長 松本 昭夫
水俣市 市長 西田 弘志
京都大学大学院経済学研究科 教授 植田 和弘
京都大学名誉教授、地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES) シニア・フェロー 松下 和夫
京都大学大学院工学研究科・低炭素都市圏政策ユニット 教授 中川 大
龍谷大学政策学部 教授 白石 克孝
循環社会システム研究所 代表、京都大学名誉教授 内藤 正明
総合地球環境学研究所 研究員 増原 直樹
一橋大学大学院経済学研究科 准教授 山下 英俊
独立行政法人国立環境研究所 社会環境システム研究センター 主任研究員 藤野 純一
立命館大学経営学部 教授 ラウパッハ・スミヤ ヨーク
環境エネルギー政策研究所 理事、主席研究員 松原 弘直
FoE Japan 副代表理事、事務局長 三柴 淳一
環境自治体会議環境政策研究所 所長 中口 毅博
環境文明21 共同代表 藤村 コノヱ
ふるさと環境市民 副代表理事 安藤 多恵子
かながわ環境教育研究会 代表 渡邉 敦
川崎フューチャー・ネットワーク 代表 三枝 信子
南信州おひさま進歩 代表理事 松江 良夫
未来の子 共同代表 大西 康史
中部リサイクル運動市民の会 代表理事 永田 秀和
地域の未来・志援センター 理事 萩原 喜之
公益財団法人公害地域再生センター 理事、事務局長 藤江 徹
環境市民 代表理事 すぎ本 育生
気候ネットワーク 理事、事務局長 田浦 健朗
くらしを見つめる会 代表 内田 洋子
環境ネットワークくまもと 代表理事 宮北 隆志
環境ネットワークながさ塾 代表 宮原 和明